Asi and Tali
To many of the visitors of Superland the ongoing conflict with the Palestinians is irrelevant. To them Israel is a refuge from poverty and discrimination in their countries of origin, be it Siberia or Ethiopia. Here, they can take part in the dream of the Jewish homeland. Sisters Asi and Tali came to Israel from Ethiopia. They can no longer speak their mother tongue and Ethiopia is only a vague memory from their childhood. The fact that their hometown Ashqelon suffers from missile-attacks from Gaza on a daily basis, does not bother them much.
‘Israel is a beautiful and good country, it’s worth dying for,' Asi says. This is their last holiday together. In two months they will be going to join the army. ‘I’m looking forward to it,' Asi says. 'We have to serve for two years. It’s a long time but it’s worth it.’ Tali is less enthusiastic and is trying to serve an alternative duty by becoming a teacher. But first they celebrate graduating from highschool, by enjoying their holiday in Superland.